Auto Sitecore Sitemap Generation Module
Almost for every website we need to create sitemap. Sitemap helps to let search engine know about the pages and site structure. For Sitecore website its very difficult to maintain the sitemap, because the content team can add / edit n-number(s) of pages into their site. So to manual maintenance is next to impossible. So use the below module you can let system know and generate automatic sitemap after certain interval of time or date. Auto Sitemap Generation Generates Sitemap for us on scheduled time and day in the week for the mentioned Domains. It checks in interval of 1 minute that is also mentioned. Config is added on location – App_Config \Include\ zzz \ SchedulingAgents.config Config Patch - < agent type = " SitecoreTasks.GenerateSitemapAgent " method = " Run " interval = " 00:01:00 " > < Enable > true </ Enable > < StartHour > 6:06 am </ Sta...