
Showing posts from July, 2022

Coding Best Practices

Advantages of following coding best practices Code readability Maintainability Dependability Efficiency Usability Key Points Coding Style and Standard Code Correctness, fragmented code & conciseness of code Low Coupling and High Cohesion is expected Object oriented programming Abstraction, encapsulation and information hiding Oops Encapsulation is when a group of related methods, properties, and other members are treated as a single object. (public, private, protected) Inheritance is the ability to receive (“inherit”) methods and properties from an existing class. (Extension) Polymorphism is when each class implements the same methods in varying ways, but you can still have several classes that can be utilized interchangeably. Abstraction is the process by which a developer hides everything other than the relevant data about an object in order to simplify and increase efficiency. (Interfaces) Key Rules Code Structures should meaningful Structuring your application is very important...